As Openmoko is full-featured Linux, there is a chance just to recompile StarDict, and get it working on the phone. I decided to write (almost) own implementation, because of the following:
- GUI for mobile phone should differ from desktop's GUI. For example, this pdf-reader for Openmoko is actually a desktop application, just recompiled for ARM. Its GUI is not too convenient with small displays.
- I like mobile dictionary to be fast and lightweight - it should start quickly - and work quickly, for example, in a foreign trip. GTK+ library is quite slow, as for me. So, I use (my favorite) FLTK2 for the interface.
- I want special educational features: at least - word lists for remembering, later - text base, live pronunciation base, images, etc, in which you can find associations with words and phrases. Possibly - some kind of customizable language learning plan. The idea is to be able to learn languages when you have a bit of free time - in transport, subway, just by taking your FreeRunner from your pocket.
- There is a selfish motive - to upgratde my own development level, to learn new instruments. (So, don't be scared, when you'll look at the code =) )
I've already implemented the following:
- Application skeleton (main architecture, considering all future features)
- Dictionary parsing, using a bit of StarDict code
- GUI - main panels, controls, tuning specially for small-screen, slow graphics mobile systems.
- Build for Openmoko (including FLTK2 and Boost libraries)
The app. interface based on screens, by functions. Switching between screens using buttons at bottom. The prototype looks like this:
First screen - word list (searching by first letters of fuzzy query).
Second - and main - word translation. Text can be scrolled by finger.
Third - bookmarks (your favorite word lists)
Fourth - text reader (optional)
Fith - settings. On the screnshot there is a list of loaded dictionaries, you can change translation order, switch on and off dictionaries.
Interface is finger-friendly. Side panel in lists (see bookmarks and settings) may be hidden. The button 'T' at the middle means translation of the word you selected in bookmarks or word lists, or you typed in input box at the second panel.
Feature list for the nearest releases:
- StarDict dictionaries, auto-scanning specified directories for dictionaries.
- Word searching by first letters, 'fuzzy query'.
- Clipboard-awareness, automatic clipboard translation (select word - switch to buffer - get translation)
- Pronunciation from wav-files (possibly, not in the first release)
- Word lists for remembering
- Simple text reader with word/phrase searching, tags and notes (optional).
- Complete configuration through GUI: font sizes, dictionary order, etc
Implementation: С++, Boost, FLTK2 (with few patches), some code from StarDict (requires glib and zlib).
I'm going to represent sources and binaries, when first beta version will be ready, presumably at the beginning of july. I think, i'll create also opkg-packets for available StarDict dictionaries.
I'll be glad to know your opinion:
- Do you need a dictionary for Openmoko?
- Are you interested in educational functions, or some other additional functions?
- Any suggestions about interface?
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